Honorary President—Borden W. Painter, Jr.
Borden W. Painter, Jr.

Professor of History, Emeritus, Trinity College
In an illustrious career Borden W. Painter, Jr. (Trinity College ‘58) rose through the faculty ranks at his alma mater to become Dean of the Faculty and then 20th President of the College. A master teacher and accomplished historian, he received an honorary doctorate from Trinity and the prestigious Eigenbrodt Cup Alumni Award. He began his academic career as an historian of Tudor England. As fortuna would have it, a visit to Rome in 1968 with Michael Campo and an adventurous group of students led to Professor Painter’s conversion to Italian history and Professor Campo’s founding of the Rome Campus. Professor Painter served as Director of Italian Programs and Chairperson of the Cesare Barbieri Endowment for Italian Culture for 15 years. He is the author of Mussolini’s Rome: Rebuilding the Eternal City (Palgrave, 2005).